Tuesday, 20 August 2013


For reasons unexplained, every person in this world is born with a large gaping hole in the center of their chest.
While not uncomfortable, it is widely considered to be unsightly and so, pretty much everyone tries to fill it with something.
Some people fill it with religion, some science while others just buy a bunch of stuff.

I left mine alone though, because I found out if you run against the wind at just the right angle, it makes a whistling noise .. .. .. ..

Also, I haven't found the person of the right size to fill it yet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arjay, I like your blog very much and have nominated you for Liebster Blog Award. The award works like a chain letter where bloggers answer 10 questions abt themselves and nominate 10 more bloggers to answer a new set of 10 questions. You can complete the process for this award by visiting this link - http://ephemeralfeelings.blogspot.in/2013/11/woohoo-i-got-my-first-blogging-award.html
